Tuesday, December 26, 2006

MIDAS - by Russell Andrews

This thriller parallels some of the real life political events but puts a dangerous spin on some of them and points out some of the dangers of having a closed and secretive administration. Did the secret meeting with VP Danforth to determine an energy policy include some of the major oil producers from Saudia Arabia or elsewhere. What were the goals of the meeting; to keep the oil companies happy? to keep the oil prices high' to make the U.S. independent of foreign oil supplies? Are terrorist attacks good for the current administration by keeping people fearful so that they can pass more legislation that would diminish the rights spelled out in the constitution? Can a local cop bring down corruption at the highest levels of government? If you want to know the answer to that question, then pick up this book. It is also an Audio Book. I listened to it rather than read it. A good and entertaining way to exercise while listening to an audio book.

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